Learning Curves

I’m a person who loves learning curves, the kind that engage me, that lead me on, that present the next mystery. I have a couple of learning curves happening lately. One is with work. Having promised to teach social emotional groups, I was intimidated by the idea because i was on my own with the project and it seemed a touchy subject. I like to approach students thoughtfully, respect their boundaries and honor their uniqueness. I wasn’t sure what the reception would be and I comb through each lesson, picking and choosing what feels right but that’s still a mystery until I try it out. Every week, I learn something new—about myself, about teaching this type of material and about teaching in general.

The small group I’m experimenting on is loving it. There’s synergy. We’re building together. The last two classes, I’ve started putting myself into it; whatever the students do, I do. More revelations. One of the activities today was to choose the character that’s most likely to muscle into your brain and push aside well-meaning intentions, or it represents what others do that throws us off track. I selected “Un-Wonderer.” I think a lot of education dampers wondering. I’m enlivened by wondering. We often encounter the phrase “be curious,” for when we’re facing unpleasant moments. I found that when I put myself into the frame, I increased my engagement and understanding.

Here’s another recent learning curve. I’ve known for a long time that I wanted to start reading other indie writers’ work. But how to find the good stuff I’d really like? I joined yet another facebook group, and barely dabbled in it. But something made me go back and look again. “Indie Fantasy Addicts” is just what I needed (it’s great for writers and readers, both). I’ve started a list of recommended books and begun with an audio book. The best way to make time for fiction reading is on my commute to and from. I feel like I’ve embarked on the right journey. I can’t expect others to embrace the indie world of literature if I myself leave it to the side.

Speaking of reading indie fantasy, want some, for free?

Spring Fling

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Genres: Romance / Fantasy/Sci-Fi and Sci-Fi & Fantasy / Fantasy

This promotion starts on April 01, 2022 and runs through April 30, 2022.


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